The Importance Of Dealing With An Emergency Plumbing Situation

by | Sep 2, 2016 | Plumbing

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Day in and day out the plumbing in your home is something that works, water comes out of the tap on demand and waste flows away as it should. There is very little maintenance to be carried out on a domestic plumbing installation other than perhaps clearing a blocked kitchen sink or toilet but even when you comfortably deal with these small issues there may come a time when something terrible goes wrong, something that is certainly beyond your capabilities to repair. If a pipe bursts or the main drain leading to the sewer should become plugged or the hot water system fails, these are emergency situations and you have to call upon an emergency plumber in Wheeling IL, if you don’t the problem will get worse and the damage will escalate.

Try to spot trouble before it happens:

Of course, a burst pipe is quite obvious, there will be large pools of water and flooding. This may not be the case if it is a little leak, it may go unnoticed for ages before they are noticed. There are a few things that you can do to check your plumbing system for leaks.

Water meter: Most homes settle into a routine and the monthly water consumption is quite predictable. If, all of a sudden you notice a spike in the consumption, there is a problem somewhere. A simple test is to shut off all valves leading to the sinks, toilets, etc and watch the dial of your water meter. If there is a leak, even though it may be small, movement of the dial is proof that there is a problem.

Make a visual inspection: Have a look over all the visible piping that leads to the faucets and fixtures throughout the house. If you can’t find anything then you should call an emergency plumber in Wheeling IL to do a more in-depth inspection. This is not something that you want to leave alone, that water is going somewhere and it can do a lot of damage if left unchecked.

If you experience a problem with the pressure side or waste side of your plumbing system you may need to contact an emergency plumber in Wheeling IL. You are invited to contact Reliance Plumbing Sewer & Drainage, Inc. for emergency service.

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