Wintertime Tips To Avoid Needing To Take Your Pet To Veterinarians in Gaithersburg, MD

by | Nov 25, 2022 | Animal

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Having a pet can be a highly rewarding experience for anyone. These animals can provide valuable companionship and assistance to many individuals. Unfortunately, it is fairly common for pet owners to make some mistakes with their animals that can lead to health problems. This can be especially true during the winter months because many people may overlook some of the hazards that their pet must face. Fortunately, there are veterinarians in Gaithersburg, MD that have experience with helping pet owners ensure their furry friends are kept as safe and healthy as possible.

Ice and snow are among the more common threats that communities must address during the winter months. Not surprisingly, deicing chemicals are commonly used to help ensure that sidewalks and roads are kept as clear as possible. Unfortunately, these chemicals can cause serious harm to your pet. The pads on your pet’s feet can become severely burned from being in contact with these chemicals, which can lead the pet to lick the feet and ingest these harmful substances.

Constant licking of the feet is a major sign that the pet has suffered irritation due to these chemicals, but this is not the only sign that this problem is present. For example, the irritation of the skin can cause hair to fall out around the feet as well as the skin and pads of the feet to turn bright red. When these problems are noticed, the pet must be taken to a veterinarian as soon as possible to help minimize the damage. Pet owners can help to avoid this problem in the future by making sure to always wash their pet’s feet after each walk, and they should consider having the animal wear feet protectors when deicing chemicals have recently been used.

The winter months can present a number of unique health problems for your pet. From exposure to freezing temperature to chemical burns from deicing chemicals, it is important for a pet owner to understand the various steps that they can take to help keep their pets as safe as possible. For those that have been unfortunate enough to have a pet that has suffered burns from deicing chemicals, there are Veterinarians in Gaithersburg, MD that have experience treating these types of injuries. For more information or to schedule an appointment, visit Holistic Veterinary Healing.

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