6 Ways to Maintain Your Confidence On a First Date

by | Feb 19, 2016 | Dating

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Many people believe there is nothing more uncomfortable than going on a first date. Sure, you want to meet new people, but dating in Boston can be intimidating. There have never been more single, successful people in our great city, and meeting the right one takes a lot of time an effort.

The biggest obstacle single people experience is not having enough confidence on the first date. You might feel invincible beforehand, but as soon as you meet your date, your confidence bails on you. Here are some key ways to maintain your confidence and conquer some common first date jitters:

1. Assume Your Date Likes You
If you know in your heart that you’re worthy of love, don’t go on a date and automatically assume the person your with doesn’t like you. Your self-worth is not dependent upon whether or not the person likes or dislikes you. Be confident that the person likes you and wants to spend time with you. Positivity makes for much more enjoyable first dates.

2. Set Healthy Boundaries
A first date is a jumping-off point to see if the person you’re spending time with is relationship material. Don’t reveal everything during your first meeting. Share appropriate details, and save the more in-depth discussions for when you are sure the person you are with is relationship material.

3. It’s Okay If Things Don’t Work Out
Let’s face it – every first date doesn’t always lead to a second one. The sooner you are able to make peace with that, the more confidence you will have on subsequent dates with individuals you might be more compatible with.

4. Trust Yourself and Your Decisions
If you’re on a first date, and you’re just not feeling it, go with your instincts. Make the best of a not-so-great situation, and chalk it up to a learning experience. Same goes for a great first date; if you feel you’ve really connected with that person, trust it, and see how far it goes.

5. Don’t Show Off or Talk Excessively About Yourself
The epitome of confidence is to know when to speak, and when to listen. Strike a balance between revealing select tidbits about yourself, not bragging about all your accomplishments in one sitting.

6. Don’t Be Desperate For Reassurance
Being needy is the quickest way to cause trouble in a new relationship. Constantly seeking reassurance is one of life’s biggest turn-offs, and something confident people do not indulge in. Before dipping your toe into the dating pool, make sure you love yourself, or you will not be able to accept love from another person.

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