How To Install A Flat Pack Kitchen

by | Nov 16, 2015 | Home and Garden

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It would be nice to think that one could go to a shop and purchase a full kitchen packed flat into a box; take it home and, then, by some magic inflate it up to become a fully fitted kitchen. Maybe in digital virtual reality; but, real life does not work that way. However, there are products in real life that can give you the skeleton of a kitchen waiting for you to add in the appliances, utensils, etc.

Flat Pack Kitchen Cabinets

Today’s kitchen designs usually involve the use of cabinets for both aesthetic and practical reasons. When placed inside a kitchen cabinet; ugly items; like waste disposal containers, can be hidden away out of sight inside a kitchen cabinet. Dry and canned foods can be conveniently stored in kitchen cabinets and the tops of a row of cabinets of identical height can form the support for an attractive and practical work surface. In addition, there are many different storage gadgets that can be placed inside a cabinet that not only provide more efficient use of storage space but also allow you to easily find and take out what you need. (Remember having to rearrange cans on a cupboard shelf simply to get at the can right at the back?).

It is possible to purchase customised cabinets handmade to your requirements; but, only if you have a lot of money to throw away. Perfectly functional, high quality kitchen cabinets are readily available packed flat into cardboard boxes. Think about it, a kitchen cabinet is basically a box with a flat bottom; a flat top and four flat sides. These flat pieces can be easily stacked one on top of the other and transported in a cardboard box. When you open the box; all you need to do is to join the pieces together at right angles to each other.

Assemble And Install

Erecting a box and placing it within your kitchen isn’t exactly rocket science; but, it does take some basic skills – especially in ensuring that you have securely joined the pieces together. However, the manufacturer has thought about this and will provide you with all the necessary hardware (screws, hinges, dowels, etc) along with readily understood diagrams showing each step of the assembly. These days, the maker’s website usually contains a video showing the whole assembly process.

A slightly harder bit comes when you have to install all your assembled cabinets into the space available within your kitchen. This will be simplified if you have consulted with the supplier beforehand and worked out a layout plan that suits both your space and the packs that you have purchased.

When you purchase flat pack kitchen cabinets from Business Name; not only do you get quality materials; you also get easy to follow assembly instructions and assistance with the total layout design. However, for those that prefer it; they will also handle the assembly and installation for you.

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