What Do Chicago Immigration Lawyers Do?

by | Jul 9, 2015 | Law

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Chicago immigration lawyers are called upon to navigate the often convoluted world of immigration law on behalf of clients. The lawyers can be tasked with a number of issues but primarily they deal with any issues concerning the application and issuance of visas, fighting deportation orders and working with business clients helping them with issues that pertain to their international expansion plans. An immigration lawyer must be a very good communicator as he or she is called upon to help their clients understand the complications of the laws in an effort to settle immigration issues quickly and to the satisfaction of the client.

As immigration law encompasses many diverse issues some immigration lawyers focus their attention on specific areas of the law such as visas and permits. These lawyers are called upon to obtain visas for the wife and children of a foreigner residing in the US, extending existing work or study visas or dealing with issues surrounding what appears to be the unlawful denial of a visa. In addition to court appearances as well as liaising with immigration officials Chicago immigration lawyers help clients complete visa application forms in the correct manner and in time.

A central issue for many immigration lawyers is deportation. These attorneys may make it their lifelong career to fight unlawful deportation orders, seeing that they are overturned. Many clients have no understanding of immigration law, the lawyer helps clients understand what is happening and to ensure that any and all legal proceedings are done in full compliance with the law. Even if a person is being deported in full compliance with the law an immigration lawyer is often on hand to make sure the deportee is treated fairly and in accordance with all statutes.

The laws and rules as well as the procedures that are part of immigration law in the US is constantly evolving and the Chicago immigration lawyers must keep themselves fully abreast of all changes for the benefit of their clients. It can be a difficult task, in many cases the client is new to the US, perhaps he or she does not speak a word of English and of course, they will be fearful of something they have never experienced before. A good immigration lawyer must possess excellent communication skills, be fluent in different languages or have staff members who are and be completely committed to ensuring that all clients are treated fairly and in full compliance with existing laws.

DIN Law is a group of Chicago immigration lawyers that are dedicated to getting their clients the best possible outcome for any immigration, naturalization or deportation proceedings. Browse our website for more details.

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