Hiring a Drug Attorney in Jefferson County MO

by | May 4, 2015 | Lawyers

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If you have been charged with a drug offense, whether federal or international, you should hire the services of a Drug Attorney in Jefferson County MO. He or she has the work-related experience to deal with drug-related cases, no matter whether it is due to the purchase, sale, manufacture, distribution, possession or transportation. Drug charges cover a wide range of offenses, from the less serious, such as simple possession of a small amount of certain drugs, to even the most serious, like regular participation in drug-related criminal activity or the development and distribution of drugs. However, even minor charges can be frightening and carry the risk of severe punishment; of course, the most serious charges could lead to even more serious consequences.

Federal sentencing guidelines begin with base offense levels for drug charges. The higher the level of offense, the more severe the sentence. The base offense level under federal guidelines differs for different amounts of the same drug. For example, if the conviction is for making 300 kilograms of heroin, the base offense level is different from a conviction for processing 300 kilograms of cocaine. A crack is a form of cocaine and appears in the same annex of controlled substances, but the amount of crack required to impose a certain sentence is less than the amount of powder cocaine. It is essential that a defendant is represented by a Drug Attorney in Jefferson County MO.

Manufacture, distribution or possession of a controlled substance with intent to sell is a crime punishable by sentences ranging from less to more, depending on the drug involved, the amount and the previous history of the offender. Distribution of controlled substances to persons under 21 years of age, controlled distribution near a school and introducing people under 18 to drugs, are three offenses with higher penalties for which the sentence is two or three times higher than other circumstances. Drug offenses carry harsh penalties, especially in accordance with federal law. If you have been charged with the drug offense, you could face time in prison. If your future is at risk due to a drug charge, please call your local criminal lawyer or Visit the website today.

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