Tips For Increasing Weight Loss In South Bay And Sticking With It

by | Apr 22, 2015 | Health and Fitness

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Most people find that weight loss is hard and difficult, or they just don’t know where to begin. All the various fad diets out there make it even harder to figure things out. However, there are some well-known, but ignored tips that can help you lose inches off your body and get the leaner body that you’ve always wanted.

Small Meals

Most people in South Bay can’t stand to eat three large meals in one day with no snacks. Americans tend to snack a lot, which means they require smaller meals throughout the day or three meals and three small snacks to feel full longer and not feel starved. If you find that eating at eight a.m., noon and five p.m. make for a long day where you feel “starved,” you may want to consider eating smaller meals at mealtimes and allowing for a few extra snacks.

If you eat continuously, you’ll never feel hunger or be hungry, but if you wait until you’re ravenous, then you may overeat, so eat a nutritious meal or snack every three to four hours.


Many times, people may feel that they need to eat when they are thirsty. Many doctors and health professionals agree that it is best to drink a glass of water before eating anything to determine whether you’re hungry or just in need of hydration. If drinking plain water makes you cringe, you can try some fresh-squeezed lemon or lime juice to spruce things up.

For those that truly dislike water, having some green tea or regular, unsweetened tea can also help as iced tea is made from water. It can also help you get into the habit of drinking more fluids, and you can gradually replace each cup of tea with water until you are drinking water only.


Though difficult, exercise is important. Many experts believe that 30 minutes of exercise five days a week will help boost your metabolism, tone muscles and help with weight loss. If you are very new to exercise and are very out of shape, do what you can and build up to 30 minutes or more each day.


There are also many great websites that help track your exercise, hydration and consumed food so that you have a better idea of where you are currently and where you want to be.

Weight loss in South Bay can be easier with a few helpful tips. Consider California Medical Weight Loss Clinic for more help, tips and services today.

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