The Right Time To Talk To A Social Security Disability Lawyer

by | Apr 6, 2015 | Law

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Disability law is very complex, there are a host of obscure rules, regulations and laws and they tend to change frequently. The Social Security Administration is charged with the responsibility over overseeing these laws and although the administration does not purposefully make it hard for applicants, the laws are such that a full three quarters of those that apply for SSDI and SSI are rejected. Once an application has been rejected the applicant is faced with a long, drawn out appeals procedure. If you are making application for Social Security disability benefits you would be wise to hire an attorney who knows the law inside and out.

You do not have to be overly concerned with the cost of hiring an attorney. The fee structure is set by federal law, should the application fail there are no fees payable, in the event the application and appeal is successful the legal fee is simply 25 percent of the back pay owed up to $6,000 maximum. The benefits of having an attorney are many.

Why hire a disability lawyer?

The answer to this question is quite simple; with disability law being so complex your chances of approval is higher with a lawyer than without. Of course there are people who make an application and battle through the appeals process and eventually get approved however, statistics show that there are a lot fewer of these applicants approved than there are applicants who have the guidance and help of a lawyer.

The initial application for a layperson is difficult, the appeals are even more so. Disability law is complex but lawyers that deal with the subject on an ongoing basis know the law and they know how best to employ it so that the case of their client is presented to the administration in the best possible light. From the initial application a lawyer can help considerably by providing guidance on what recognized impairment your disability meets and works to prepare a case which is most persuasive. Although you may engage a lawyer for the initial application, don’t be disappointed if the application is denied; most are. The good thing about having a lawyer early is that he or she is already well aware of the complexities of your case and can quickly gather and submit additional evidence to support the claim. The lawyer can get detailed medical reports from the doctors, therapists and facilities that have been and are still involved with your care.

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