Straighten Your Teeth With Invisalign in Ripon WI

by | Feb 21, 2015 | Dentistry

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There are many times that one’s teeth will not come in perfectly straight. When this happens, people often turn to cosmetic procedures like braces and Invisalign in Ripon WI in order to straighten out the smile. A straighter smile can increase self-confidence, and it can also help in preventing damages to the teeth because of food getting stuck in awkward places. Crooked teeth are usually harder to keep clean, and if a patient is not careful he or she could end up with cavities or even lose their teeth. Invisalign is offered by many dental offices as one of the most up-to-date technologies and ways of straightening the teeth. Silver Creek Dentistry is one of the offices that does this procedure.

Invisalign is similar to braces without the bulky brackets and wires. This type of procedure is better for someone with just a moderate change needed. Before getting Invisalign, the patient and dentist will have a complete consultation. During the consultation, it will be discussed why this type of cosmetic dentistry is desired. An exam will also be done to decide if the patient is a good candidate. The Invisalign system is a set of clear trays that one wears similar to a retainer. They can be put on and taken off as desired. The person who is set up with this type of straightening system should wear their trays more often than not in order for the treatment to be the most effective.

After the tray has moved the teeth as much as they are going to go, the dentist will go in and make a new tray that allows for a little bit more of an adjustment. The dentist will take a mold of the teeth and provide the patient with new forms that slowly adjust the teeth until they are in the place that they should be. This seems to be less painful and allows for fewer trips to the dentist. This same process will continue until the desired look is complete. If the teeth are severely off-center from one another, chances are Invisalign in Ripon WI is not going to work.

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