Easy Root Canal Treatment To Save Your Smile

by | Feb 20, 2015 | Dental Services

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Mention a visit to the dentist and many people cringe. Of course, like it or not, dental care and services are extremely important to health, comfort, and appearance. Many patients are pleased to find that recent advances in dental care have made many procedures much more comfortable than they were in the past. One procedure that used to bring dread to many patients is the root canal, but root canals can be vital in saving a tooth that would otherwise have to be extracted. Luckily, due to dental advancements, Root Canal Treatment is hardly any more involved than filling a tooth. Newer equipment and tools, along with improved anesthesia and specialized dental training, make root canal worries a thing of the past.

Newer tools make dental treatments much more precise and thorough. Because a root canal involves the removal of the root and pulp from an infected tooth, these new tools are able to more thoroughly clean out the interior of the tooth ensuring the infection is totally removed and the canal is cleaned and filled to the very end. Advanced dental anesthesia can now target a specific tooth or set of teeth to make pain from Root Canal Treatment almost non-existent. For the very anxious patient, nitrous oxide can help to bring about relaxation for the procedure, with no lasting effects.

Many years ago general dentists may have performed root canals with the limited training in this procedure that they received in dental school. Now, dentists, like Dr. George Braithwaite DMD, can specialize in endodontics. Endodontic dental care specifically deals with the nerve or the pulp of the tooth. This additional training helps to ensure that your root canal is done by a professional, who is up to date on the most current advances in painless and effective dental care.

If your dentist recommends a root canal, don’t panic or dredge up memories of past root canals that either you, your family or friends suffered through years ago. Rest assured that new dental advancements will have your procedure done quickly with little or no pain. This helpful dental treatment will allow you to save a tooth that otherwise would have been lost and keep your smile beautiful for years to come.

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