6 Effective Bleeding Hemorrhoids Treatment Options

by | Feb 12, 2015 | Beauty Salon and Products

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Bleeding hemorrhoids can be either internal or external and, in both cases, there are several options that you can use to control the bleeding. Of course, home treatments are often limited in their duration and effectiveness, but they can be a good option until you can get in to see a specialist for treatment.

1. Eat lots of fiber – eating an increased amount of fiber in the diet can help to prevent further irritation and scraping on swollen internal and external hemorrhoids. This will help to reduce the likelihood of bleeding, but it is not actually treating any existing swollen vein in the upper or lower anal canal.

2. Use a sitz bath – a sitz bath, which can be a specialized basin that fits inside your toilet seat or an actual period of about 20 minutes spent in a warm bath, can help to reduce swelling and irritation of external hemorrhoids and prevent the urge to scratch the area. Make sure you are using plain warm water and do not use soaps or oils that may actually increase the irritation and itching sensation. Scratching creates the very real chance of bleeding and also creates more of a risk for bacterial infection at the site of any open areas.

3. Wet wipes – instead of using dry toilet paper to clean the anal area after a bowel movement use wet wipes or simply soak the area in warm water and pat dry. Never rub or wipe any external hemorrhoids and, if you are dealing with the pain of a prolapsed hemorrhoid, try to limit any rubbing or wiping Using a patting or dabbing motion to dry and clean the area is helpful.

4. Cold packs – for swelling and bleeding and pain, cold packs, which can be as simple to make as ice cubes in zip lock bags, can be an instant relief. They may also be very helpful in stopping the bleeding, but they are not providing actual treatment.

5. IRC – Infrared Coagulation, unlike the options mentioned above, is a permanent treatment for bleeding hemorrhoids. A small, very safe laser is used to pulse a warm light at the base of the swollen area of the vein of an internal hemorrhoid, clotting the blood inside immediately. With no additional blood flow, bleeding is stopped immediately and the vein and the small clot are simply absorbed back into the body.

6. Excision – for those thrombosed internal hemorrhoids that are now external to the body, a small incision can be made in the vein and the clot removed, allowing the swelling to go down in a very short period of time. Without the swelling, the vein retracts into the body and the bleeding will stop.

Talk to your doctors if you have any signs of bleeding from the anal area with or without any pain and discomfort. Early treatment will not only save you from the irritation of this condition, but will also help to prevent any possible issues with infections.

Getting treatment for bleeding hemorrhoids is important to quickly diagnose and treat the issue. To learn more see us at www.chicagohemorrhoid.com.



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