Hit by a Texting Driver? Hire an Accident Attorney in Waldorf

by | Jan 23, 2015 | Lawyers

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Suburban streets are becoming more congested every day. People driving on them have to pay close attention to the road or they can cause a serious accident. If a pedestrian is crossing a busy street with the light and in the crosswalk, he should make it to the other side of the street safely. If a texting driver hits him, that driver is negligent. That means the pedestrian is entitled damages to pay for their medical care and lost wages. They may even receive payments for emotional trauma or pain and suffering. They should contact an Accident Attorney in Waldorf for help in filing their damages claim.


Once an injured person hires an attorney, the insurance company must communicate through the attorney. This ensures all of the injured person’s rights are protected. It also allows him to concentrate on recovering from any injuries. Dealing with the insurance claim process can be very stressful and intimidating. The insurance company may even blame the pedestrian for causing the accident. They may also claim that he had a bad back prior to the accident and is just trying to gouge the insurance company. Most victims won’t realize these are common tactics insurance companies use to scare injured people away from filing a claim or taking them to court. An Accident Attorney in Waldorf understands the process and will tell their client this is typical behavior.

The attorney will carefully document the accident and show how the negligent driver caused it. He will also show how the accident directly caused the injuries. An Accident Attorney in Waldorf is also good at communicating with medical professionals. He will be able to determine the total cost for the required medical care. He will also calculate the amount of income the injured person has lost because of the accident. Being injured and watching medical bills pile up is stressful and can cause many secondary stress-related illnesses. The lawyer will also request compensation for emotional trauma and pain and suffering. When insurance companies receive a well-documented claim from a lawyer, they know they will pay a fair settlement or face a jury trial.

An injured person needing help with a damage claim can contact the Jaklitsch Law Group. It is one of the law firms that take auto accident cases in Waldorf. There is no charge for the initial meeting. Visit website for more information.

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