Increase Your Sales with Catalog Marketing

by | Jan 20, 2015 | Business

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There are many benefits to using a catalog if you have products that you wish to sell to the public. Catalog marketing is a great way to make certain that your products will sell. This article will outline the benefits and explain how advertising your items in a catalog are one of the best ways to gain market exposure and increase your sales.

The Hard Facts

About fifty percent of consumers today shop by catalogs as well as online. These two marketing techniques actually work very well together. Catalogs sent through the mail are possibly the greatest element in generating consumer orders through the internet. When consumers receive a catalog, they are more likely to purchase the products online.

This type of consumer is responsible for fifteen percent of catalog transactions. They are also likely to spend an average of sixteen percent more than customers who did not find the same products in a catalog. Shoppers who get catalogs by mail are actually two times more likely to purchase the products in the catalogs online. Catalog marketing provides consumers with a hard copy of the products to review before they purchase the items online.

Verified Rewards of Catalog Marketing and Advertising

Among the most exciting positive aspects of catalog marketing is the increasing number of consumers who are using the internet to place their orders. By allowing the consumer to choose between placing orders online, by phone, or through the mail, you can rest assured that regardless of their shopping preference, your item will be sold.

The potential advantage of catalog marketing can be found in the numbers. An estimate of 167 million customers placed their catalog purchases online in one year, spending about $150 billion on purchases from catalogs. Advertising your product in a catalog has remained one of the top methods of gaining popularity in the market.

Catalog Marketing and Advertising Trends on the Rise

Vast amounts of catalogs are mailed yearly to consumers from coast to coast. An estimated fifty-nine percent of catalog consumers hold on to their catalogs for a minimum of three months or until a more recent copy is sent to them. This gives your product exposure to any person who may thumb through the catalog that has been laying around. Any visitor to the house or office may spot your product and order it online themselves. This increases your product’s exposure immensely, ensuring you a rise in sales.

The benefits of catalog marketing and advertising described in this article may very well be advantageous for you and your product gaining exposure in today’s market. Maximize your sales and your profits and gain the exposure your product deserves by advertising in catalogs today.

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