Overview of Elder Law in Topeka KS

by | Jan 13, 2015 | Attorneys

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Many years ago, the subject of elder law did not come up as often. This is primarily because people did not live as long as they do today. The elderly population is growing, and this is because people are living longer. This has created a huge need for laws to protect this subset of the population. These laws protect the elderly from possibly hurting themselves, and they also ensure that they are protected against being harmed or taken advantage of by others.

As people age, their mental stamina may decline. Some people develop dementia or Alzheimer’s. Both of these conditions can put people in danger. This is why some family members opt to put their loved ones in nursing homes. There are situations where some family members may want to place their loved ones in facilities, but other family members may object. This battle of control can create the need for Elder Law in Topeka KS seek legal counsel.

Perhaps you are the person who is aging. Right now your health may be fine, and you may feel as though you do not need any assistance. It is a good idea to put your wishes regarding your health into writing. For example, if you had to be placed on life support, would you not want to continue on life support, or if you had a heart attack, would you not want to be resuscitated? These are things that a lawyer can draft for you, and best of all, they are legally binding as long as you make the requests while you are sane.

Abuse is the most unnerving thing that can happen to the elderly. Do not make the mistake of thinking that all abuse is physical. The elderly are also victims of financial and mental abuse. These are not always easy to identify. An example of financial abuse is forcing someone to give money or stealing from them. Elder Law in Topeka KS protects the elderly against all types of abuse.

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