How To Choose An Aesthetic Dentist

by | Jan 13, 2015 | Dentist

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When you are self-conscious of your smile you can never really relax and smile, laugh and enjoy yourself. You are always trying to cover up your smile and avoid showing your teeth, which is never a positive thing to have to do. Today, with all the advances in cosmetic or aesthetic dentistry there is no reason not to get the smile that you want.

Choosing the right aesthetic dentist is important both for the quality of work that you can expect as well as for your peace of mind. If you are one of those people that finds going to the dentist a challenge then a dentist that puts you at ease and that you trust is going to be a major component of your selection process.

Learn about the Professional

From the comfort of your own home computer you can find out a lot about the various aesthetic dentists in your area. It is important to understand that the American Dental Association does not offer a specialization in cosmetic dentistry so there are no set standards, but a strong professional background in general dentistry is always a good starting point.

The top aesthetic dentists are usually members in the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, the American Dental Association and the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry. Awards from these organizations, positions on the councils and being and Accredited Fellow are all outstanding achievements and signs of a top aesthetic dentist.

Your Impression of the Practice

Your impression of the practice from your first phone call to schedule an appointment to your first time in meeting with the staff and doctor are also important in making a selection. You should feel comfortable, listened to, and part of the decision making process.

At all times you should be involved in the decision making process about what will be done to create the perfect smile. The dentists, hygienists and technicians should be able to answer your questions and provide you with realistic expectations of the different procedures that may be options to consider.

Many of the top aesthetic dentists also provide other services as well. If you have special care needs for your teeth be sure to check that the dentist you are considering will treat those issues or can refer you to a dentist that can.

As a top aesthetic dentist we are here to help you achieve the perfect smile. To learn more see us at

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