Interesting Facts About Cremation Service in Atlantic Highlands

by | Jan 12, 2015 | Funeral Services

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When it comes to the disposition of deceased bodies, there are two methods available: burial and cremation. Cremation has become an increasingly popular alternative to traditional burial services over the years. We’re going to examine some interesting facts and figures about cremation should you find yourself interested in a Cremation Service in Atlantic Highlands.

Here are some interesting statistics about cremation:

According to the Cremation Association of North America, the cremation rate in the U.S. has risen by 40% in the past 50 years. In 1960 the rate was only 3.6%. It stood at 4.6% in 1970, rose to 9.7% by 1980, 17.1% in 1990, 26.2% in 2000, 40.6% in 2010 and was at 43.2% in 2012 (the last year for data).

The states with the highest cremation rates as of 2012 were almost all in the western part of the United States with Nevada, Washington, Oregon and Hawaii all at 70% or greater. The states with the lowest cremation rate were almost all in the South with Mississippi, Alabama, Kentucky and Louisiana all below 25%.

Gallup studies have shown that states with more educated, affluent and less religious people have higher cremation rates. Also, states that are less densely populated have similarly higher cremation rates.

Why choose cremation?

Putting aside religious beliefs, there are very practical reasons why you might prefer cremation now that it is so widely accepted.

Lower Cost

Cremation is a much less expensive alternative to the traditional funeral with a casket, viewing, a service and burial. According to the National Funeral Directors Association, the median cost of a funeral in 2012 cost $7,045. This included embalming, a metal casket, viewing, use of a hearse, etc.

In comparison, a cremation that included a simple memorial and a basic urn cost $1,650 according to the Cremation Association of North America. If you choose to forgo a memorial, called a “direct cremation,” the price can drop to below $1,000.

Family Dispersal

“Nuclear families” have been in decline for years as more members have moved across the country in search of better jobs or locales. The family burial plots of the past are now somewhat quaint and obsolete. It’s natural that cremation would be seen as the more desirable option.

If what you have read about cremation has been of interest and you are looking for a Cremation Service in Atlantic Highlands, then you should check out the John P. Condon Funeral Home.

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