Guidelines for Performing Basic Garage Door Repair in Minneapolis MN

by | Apr 15, 2019 | Garage Doors

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A garage door is a movable structure that acts as an insulator, security device, and aesthetic enhancer for your home. When your garage door is defective, it’s important to fix it promptly to restore function and protection for your home. To save on costly repair expenses, try to perform garage door repair in Minneapolis MN. Implement the following guidelines for this task.

To start your garage door repair in Minneapolis MN, learn about your garage door system. This system is comprised of the garage door itself and the garage door opener. An overhead garage door will swing up as a complete unit or in sections. The garage door is attached to metal tracks on both sides of the garage door opening. These tracks have a horizontal part and a vertical part. The garage door ascends and descends on these tracks using rollers. The rollers are connected to the door by hinges. The metal tracks are secured to the garage door walls with mounting brackets. Fasteners such as screws or bolts affix the mounting brackets to the garage door walls.

Complete an inspection of the hardware the garage door uses to operate. The metal tracks should be securely attached to the wall. If they are loose, tighten mounting brackets that are loose. The tracks should be free of crimps and dents that impair the movement of the garage door. Damaged spots can be fixed using a rubber mallet to strike the defective areas. Correcting these problems can also be done with a hammer and a block of wood.

The vertical portion of the tracks should be parallel to one another. They should each form a 90-degree angle with the ground. The horizontal portion of the tracks will descend slightly towards the back of the garage. Loosen and fix any hardware to ensure proper alignment of these tracks. Afterwards, look at all the hardware connected to the garage door. It should be in good working condition. Clean the garage door with a diluted household cleaner and a small towel.

When you regularly inspect your garage door for damage, you can correct defects before they worsen. Not doing this can result in the need for replacement parts. For more information on garage door services, please get in touch with an expert at AA Garage Door. This company can handle residential and commercial garage door services.

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