Catalog Mailing: Cater to Every Potential Customer

by | Jan 5, 2015 | Computer & Internet

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Most of us know online shopping and ordering is a growing trend which isn’t likely to slow down anytime soon. Many customers still prefer to receive a printed catalog in the mail because it is a tangible resource which doesn’t require electricity or being near a pc, tablet or mobile device. Bricks and mortar companies as well as e-commerce stores which have goods and products to sell can benefit by distributing printed catalogs to help expand their businesses as a part of their expansion and growth advertisement strategies.

Why Printed Catalogs Promote Sales

Catalog mailing is a proven traditional method of physical advertisement which has been around for many decades. They provide pictures with useful information about the products being offered, and they’re useful for distribution to groups of all sizes as well as being accessible around the clock without the need for electronic devices. There are still many customers who avoid shopping online because they do not trust the security of the internet and fear their financial information or identity may be compromised. The universal approach to business marketing involves covering all of the bases in advertising, and internet marketing alone can leave out a decent segment of the population.

What to Look For in Catalog Mailing Companies (It goes beyond just printing)

Before you settle on a specific company to print your catalogs, there are a few things to keep in mind. Make sure the prospective company has a solid reputation with other customers and has been in business for a while. The workers should be experienced and knowledgeable in organizing, printing and in putting together marketing campaigns which include mailing and mobile solutions. Professionals who are experienced with not only catalog production, but who have a strong working knowledge of how all the elements of a marketing campaign must complement one another, can help you to more successfully advertise your business.

Advertising Tips

The best advertising is done in a unified manner which takes care to include the best themes, colors, logo use and consistency in the message delivered to potential customers. It is through repeat contact that the thought processes of the customer can be returned to your business, perhaps when they see a familiar theme, logo, phrase or color scheme. This is why it is important to choose a company which has advanced marketing solutions available beyond the printing of a catalog or the optimization of a web site.

It is important to remember the value of a printed catalog in your marketing strategy. When properly produced and circulated it can help to increase your customer base and improve the bottom line of your company. For more information on catalog mailing and interconnected marketing solutions you can learn more from the experts at arandell.

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