Tips on Standing out to Oil and Gas Companies

by | Nov 3, 2014 | Business

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One of the biggest industries in the world is the oil and gas industry, which means that the employment opportunities in this industry are virtually endless. Many people are vying for positions within oilsand industry, which means that finding ways to stand out in the eyes of the employers is a must when trying to get the job that you want. For the most part, the people in charge of hiring for the oilsand companies see thousands of resumes and applications every day, which means you can get lost in the shuffle quickly. Here are few tips how to stand out when trying to secure Oilsand Jobs.

Travel and Relocation

One of the first things that you need to let your potential employer know is that you are ready to move and travel for a chance to work with their company. The oil business is a fickle one, which means that they will move around a lot and you have to be prepared to go where the jobs are. The last thing you want to do is make it seem like you are not able to relocate because this may cost you the job that you want with the company.

Showcase Your Skills

Another very important thing that you need to have to stand out to an oil company is an impressive skill set. Most companies look for people who have previous experience in tech related trades because they will require a bit less training. The more skills that you have in relation to technical trades, the easier it will usually be for you to get the job that you want in oilsands industry. Be sure to sit down and make an accurate list of the things you are able to do so that the recruiters can assess your abilities.

Get the Right References

Yet another very important thing that you need to do when trying to stand out to the oil companies is to develop a list of good references. You want to make sure that the references that you compile have either worked with you in the past or have employed you at their company. Most oil companies want to be able to verify your work history by speaking with former employers. The last thing you need to do is to put only family and friends on your reference list because this will throw up a red flag to a recruiter.

When trying to find high quality oilsand jobs, look no further than Trades Craft.

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