How The Dental Implants in Kittanning PA Procedure Works

by | Nov 3, 2014 | Dentistry

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It can be a little scary to go into a medical procedure if you do not know what is going to happen beforehand. That is why it is important to understand what the Dental Implants in Kittanning PA procedure will be like before you go in. You can learn more by reading this article or by talking with your dentist.

Planning Stage

First, you will meet with your dentist about getting Dental Implants in Kittanning PA. During this visit, the dental surgeon will visually examine the area where you want to get a dental implant. They may look at or take x-rays as well as CT scans of the area. Your dental surgeon will need to make sure that the dental implant can actually be placed in the desired area.

The Implant

To start off with, you will be given a local anesthetic that will numb your surgical area. After you are numb, the dental implant will be placed into your bone using a special drill and tools. Once the procedure is complete, your gum will be sutured up.


After your Dental Implants in Kittanning PA surgery, you will need between two to six months to heal. This time really depends on the quality of the bone that the implant was inserted into. You will want to follow all of your doctor’s orders and try to avoid placing stress or force on your implant as it heals.

Attaching The Prosthetic

Once your surgery site has healed, the implant will be tested to determine if it was successful. If it was successful, a prosthetic component, or abutment, will be connected to your dental implant with a screw. This will hold the replacement tooth or crown in place. Your dentist will take an impression of this abutment and have a crown custom made to fit it. Your new crown will blend in with the rest of your teeth.

Dental Implants in Kittanning PA take time. First, you will have to go in for an initial consultation and planning appointment. Then you will have to have the actual procedure. You will need to heal for two to six months. After that period of time has passed, your implant will be tested and you will have an abutment inserted into your mouth as well as a custom crown.

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