What to Look for in Bark in Portland, Oregon

by | Oct 20, 2014 | Home and Garden

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Choosing to use Bark in Portland Oregon is a great way to add some visual interest to flower beds. The material also provides the right properties in terms of protection of young plants and allowing moisture to seep through and nourish the soil. When choosing the bark, it helps to keep a few things in mind.

How is the Bark Processed?

Many people are not aware that Bark in Portland Oregon can come in more than one form. In some cases, the bark chips are a little larger and have more of a decorative look to them. Other options include bark that is processed so that the pieces are smaller and more uniform. The latter has the added benefit of breaking down a little faster and helping to add more nutrients to the soil. With both options, ask how the wood is processed and what to expect in terms of appearance and providing adequate ground cover.

The Type of Wood Matters

Bark chips and mulch can be made using different kinds of wood. Take the time to find out what type of wood is used for the product before buying anything. Many people find that they like the idea of using bark from cedar trees over other options. This is because of the color of the bark and the fact that it will decompose at a reasonable rate. As a bonus, cedar contains natural oils that help to repel insects. That will make protecting the plants in the yard a little easier to manage.

The Visual Effect

While the practical aspects matter, the homeowner most likely does want the bark to provide some sort of enhancement to the look of beds that are part of the landscaping. For this reason, it pays to consider the texture and the color of the bark very carefully. Something that is lighter may work very well when the plants sport plenty of green foliage. A darker hue may be a better bet if the beds are loaded with blooming plants that have less foliage.

For more ideas on how to choose the right bark for a landscape, talk with a professional landscaper in Portland Oregon. After looking over the yard and identifying where the bark will be used, it will be much easier to make suggestions that help to ensure that the plants thrive.

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