Mistakes Made When Doing Your Own Snow Removal From Roofs In MN

by | Oct 7, 2014 | Home and Garden

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There are a lot of tasks around the house that homeowners in Minnesota regularly do on their own. While this is a great way to save money and feel a sense of accomplishment, some jobs really are better left to the professionals. A good example of one of these routine tasks is snow removal from roofs in MN.

Many homeowners don’t realize how difficult it can be to do their own snow removal from roofs in MN, especially if their roof is a steep roof, a hip and valley roof or if it is a custom designed roof. These added peaks and valleys as well as the knowledge of just how to remove snow and possibly accumulated ice can actually lead to roof damage, particularly with asphalt shingles, if proper methods are not used.

Danger Factor

Getting up on your roof to complete snow removal from roofs in MN in the middle of winter is never an easy task. Not only do you have to navigate climbing up and down a ladder with brooms, shovels and perhaps containers of hot water but you also have to walk across a very slippery surface.

Professionals offering snow removal from roofs in MN have specialized equipment and work in teams to ensure safety. They use safety equipment that prevents the risk of falls from the roof as the surface is often very slick and difficult to maneuver.

Damage to Shingles

It is essential to know how to correctly complete snow removal from roofs in MN to prevent damage to shingles, gutters, vents, flashing and other fixtures on the roof itself. Using force to try to remove ice or packed snow can easily create significant damage of these devices on the roof that may not be discovered until the snow and ice begins to melt in the spring.

Typically by the time this is discovered there is already water damage and perhaps the need to completely replace shingles or other roof fixtures.

While it may initially seem like doing your own snow removal from roofs in MN is a cost saving feature, it really isn’t. Hiring professionals to get the job done correctly and safely is always the best option.

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