How a Cosmetic Dentist in Mt Clemens Can Repair Malocclusion

by | Oct 1, 2014 | Dentist

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Many people know that there are several types of malocclusion, and each of them causes some deformation in the person of its possessor. Seeing a Cosmetic Dentist in Mt Clemens can help you repair the problem at hand. Just know you no longer have to live with crooked or malformed teeth. It’s time to consider, in detail, the different ways malocclusion arise.

“Heavy chin”

This is one of the most recognizable in people. With this bite, the lower jaw protrudes forward relative to the top, so much that the chin seems more visual. In this position, the lower temporo-mandibular joint experiences increased stress, which also makes the neck muscles tense. This also makes a person’s facial expression seem either offended or tense.

Sunken cheeks

Now consider this option an anomaly of dentition. Called an open bite, there is no closing either in the front or the side of the teeth, which means in between the dental arches there a slit. If the gap is formed in the anterior (between the incisors and / or canines), the person’s mouth is always ajar. This is because of dry lips and facial expressions. If the slit occurs between the side teeth, it may violate the symmetry of the face or the hollowness of the cheeks, similar to the hollowness in the absence of teeth.

Facial asymmetry

This cross bite causes the uneven development of the upper or lower jaw, on one side or the other. Cross bite can be both bilateral and unilateral, affecting both lateral and anterior part of the dentition. The essence of the anomaly is that it interferes with the upper and the lower teeth. A cross-bite is also characterized by a more intense chewing of food on any one side, which is why one side of the teeth erodes faster. This, in turn, leads to increased facial asymmetry.

Whether to correct an overbite?

Although the correction of malocclusion in adults takes longer than similar manipulations, your Cosmetic Dentist in Mt Clemens will tell you it’s worth it. This is because, in addition to the purely aesthetic variations, there is also the risk of dislocation of the lower temporomandibular joint and curvature. Subsequently, this leads to various problems: complicated mastication, bruxism, pain in the neck and back and headaches. For more information visit website page.

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