When to Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Baltimore

by | Sep 25, 2014 | Law

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Are insurance firms fair to their customers? They mostly believe they are. Nevertheless their concept of fairness is influenced by their self-regard. Insurance firms survive by earning premiums and by keeping claims low. These companies are in business to make money. They are not Mother Theresa, the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus. If you sustain an injury during an accident, it is your responsibility to protect your interest as well as obtain the finest possible compensation for your self. Can you achieve this by yourself? Yes…sometimes. For instance, if your vehicle is damaged but you did not sustain any serious injury after an accident, you may be able to handle the case on your own. Pay your medical bills, fix your vehicle and move on with your life.

If, however, you sustained a severe injury during the accident, chances are that you require an attorney. Actually, the more severe your injuries are, the greater your need for an experienced attorney. The exception to this rule sometimes happens where some insurance is available and the guilty party provides their policy limits. In such a situation, you should still speak with a personal injury lawyer in Baltimore because the attorney will help to ensure that you are not short changed by an insurance firm.

If you decide to deal with the claims adjuster yourself, then you will be taking yourself into that gloomy world called “negotiating.” The claims adjuster has successfully negotiated several cases already. Thus, he/she has a great deal of experience. The adjuster knows what is at stake in the case. What the case could be worth as well as what you might get. In this type of situation, it is recommended that you contact a personal injury lawyer in Baltimore. Personal injury attorneys usually offer what is called “free consultation.” This is simply a free initial meeting. During this meeting, you can assess your attorney and he/she can assess you as well as your case. After the meeting, you can decide whether you two can work together or not. Some questions you should ask the attorney are: How many lawsuits have you deal with? How long have you been practicing personal injury law? What’s your personal viewpoint regarding going to court or settling out of court?

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