Myths You May Encounter About Bunion Surgery Edison NJ

by | Sep 24, 2014 | Health

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The most common way to treat a bunion is through surgery. Surgery is needed for multiple reasons. During surgery, the boney protrusion from your big toe joint is shaved. Your deviated bones are also structurally realigned, in order to prevent a bunion from forming again. If you want relief from your bunion problems, you need to talk to your Bunion Surgery Edison NJ. Do not be afraid of having bunion surgery. There is a lot of misinformation about bunion surgery.

Myth #1: Bunion Surgery Will Leave Ugly Scars

Bunion surgery will not leave you with ugly scars. Your surgeon can use alternative surgery approaches to hid any surgery scars. Your surgeon can also make small incisions. Generally, the incisions are either on the top of your foot or the side of your foot, depending on your surgeon. If you really don’t want any scars, you can ask your surgeon to use a plastic surgery-type closure. This will help keep your scars to a minimum.

Myth #2: If It Doesn’t Hurt, Don’t Fix It

Many people will try and tell you that if your bunion does not hurt, you do not need to fix it. However, just because your bunion is not causing you pain does not mean it is not getting in your way. Bunions can interfere with your daily activities. Bunions can also make it difficult to wear shoes. Plus, bunions can just be unattractive and unsightly to look at. You can treat your bunion before it causes you pain.

Myth #3: Your Bunion Will Come Back After Surgery

Most people who have bunion surgery will not need to have surgery again. Generally, if your Bunion Surgery Edison NJ took the time to perform a surgery that was tailored to your particular bunion. A small minority of bunion surgery patients have to have repeat surgeries. This generally occurs because of how the patient moves their foot; they may move it in a way that causes a new bunion to develop.

If you want to stop feeling pain every day when you walk, you need to have bunion surgery. Bunion surgery will not leave you with ugly scars. Most people only need to have bunion surgery once. You can even have bunion surgery before you start feeling pain. Learn more about bunion surgery at website.

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