It’s Never Too Early For A Child To Have Proper Dental Care And There Is Children’s Dental In Phoenixville To Help

by | Sep 19, 2014 | Dentistry

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If you’re just not sure when your child should visit a dentist, the rule of thumb is usually about the time of their first birthday. Baby teeth usually come in between six and twelve months of age and should be checked by Children’s Dental in Phoenixville. Proper dental care of your child’s teeth is imperative. A pediatric dentist will show you how to properly clean your child’s teeth and care for them. A pediatric dentist can also look for any signs of dental problems. When children’s teeth are maintained properly, they can chew their food better, speak better and show off their white teeth with confidence. Some children can develop decay from baby bottles and even nursing. This is why it’s important to have proper dental care.

As soon as your child teeth start coming through, they should be cleaned daily to prevent decay. Pediatric dentists do not recommend fluoride toothpaste until the age of 2-3 years of age. When your child gets to the age of fluoride toothpaste, you should only use a pea size amount on a toothbrush. Your child’s teeth should be checked by Children’s Dental in Phoenixville at least twice a year and continue throughout adult life.

Even if your child has never had a cavity, going to Pediatric Dentistry of Phoenixville twice a year will:

* Let you know if your child has decay starting.

* Remove debris from your child’s teeth.

* Examine and assess any changes in your child’s oral health.

* Recommend sealants to prevent cavities.

* Suggest dietary changes if necessary.

Primary or “baby teeth” are very important for adult oral health. When their primary teeth are aligned properly, this assists their adult teeth to come in straight as well. Some things to help your child have healthy teeth are:

* Prevent frequent snacking of sugary snacks.

* Brush their teeth twice daily.

* Floss their teeth at least once a day.

* Have their teeth sealed the dentist thinks it’s appropriate.

* Make sure they get proper fluoride.

Making sure your child has healthy teeth also can help your child’s health and self confidence as they grow. Don’t wait until your child has a tooth ache to see a dentist. Preventative dental care, will keep them happy and smiling with confidence.

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