Benefits of Solid State Starters

by | Aug 23, 2014 | Electric Motors

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Protecting your investments is what solid state starters are all about.

Not only do they directly protect the integrity of your industrial equipment, by default solid state starters also protect you from wasting down time caused by equipment failures and low power quality.

Not all industrial equipment is created equally, and some simply require special precautions to maintain motor-component health and power quality within an industrial facility that accommodates several different types of power demands.

Blowers, compressors, pumps and conveyors are all types of equipment that necessitate the use of solid state starters because they draw significant amounts of power upon start up. In this case, “significant” can be up to six times the amount of power that these machines require throughout typical operation.

This high level of demand can place a deal of stress on motor components and threaten overall power quality. An especially practical choice for motors that are one horsepower, or HP, or above, solid state starters allow for gradual motor start up.

How Solid State Starters Work

Solid state starters adjust motor voltage with the use of solid state devices, such as thyristors or triacs. Thyristors triggered during start-up are effectively delayed until the motor has ramped up to full running speed. The thyristors are bypassed one regular speed has been achieved, having successfully evaded any potential power spikes and drains as the machine was powered on.

Typically, large industrial motors utilize either soft, or solid-state, starters, or are controlled by variable-frequency drives that also engage the solid-state or soft-start functionality.

Conveyors, pumps and compressors are typical applications for which solid state starters are utilized and, being as that they are designed specifically to slowly start industrial equipment, it probably comes as no surprise that their use is at least somewhat customizable.

While general ramp-up times of five to 10 seconds, start-up time can actually be determined by the user. Lengthier ramp-up times generally set for instances in which there are higher possibilities of pressure waves building within piping systems, most often for compressor and pumping applications.

Also adjustable is the starting voltage, though the vast majority of solid state starters operate to a voltage level that is 30 percent of the regular line level.

A general guideline to remember in selecting solid state starters is that you’ll want a starter with the same rating as the motor you want to start. However, it’s always advisable to consult an expert when considering any machinery investment, as hands-on experience can make or break performance when it comes to applying practical expertise.

Like solid state starters, professionals with real-life know-how can also protect your investments in machinery and time on the shop floor.

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