The Benefits Of Swiss CNC Machining In MN

by | Aug 12, 2014 | Business

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There are many different types of machining options for creating parts both large and small. However, for detailed work historically Swiss-type lathes, also known as Swiss CNC machining in MN, have been the go to option. Swiss CNC machining is fully computer controlled and based on a CAD program this is entered into the machine.

This results in amazing accuracy time and time again for all CNC machining in MN, especially for those small, detailed and highly specific parts that have to be absolutely correct in their sizing and design. Often Swiss CNC machining in MN is used in the production of small parts such as those used in laboratories, the medical field, technology, aerospace, the automotive industry and in virtually all manufacturing applications.

Differences in Swiss Machining

Originally Swiss CNC machining in MN was considered only for the very smallest parts that required a high degree of precision. It was also used for parts that had to use multiple types of operations to create the specific design. As the name implies it was the machine used to produce the very tiny but incredibly precise parts used in the watch making industry, specifically those parts used in the highest quality of Swiss manufactured watches.

Today’s Uses

Now, CNC machining in MN that uses the Swiss-type of lathe is used for parts of all sizes and complexities. It is considered to be superior to other types of machining and milling options because it actually holds the material solid which reduces even the slightest of vibrations can result in slight variations.

The method of feeding the bar stock through a guide bushing is critical to the process. The tools themselves are also stationary and, with the ability to use any number of drilling as well as milling tools, incredible detailed and specific shapes can be formed to perfection on one machine.

The use of Swiss CNC machining in MN is growing all the time. With increasing manufacturing coming to the state and more high tech applications that are fabricated for these companies and businesses, the demand for Swiss precision is definitely on the rise. Finding companies that offer this specialty machining equipment in state is one sure way to get all the parts you need done to specifications each time.

Click here for swiss CNC machining

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