Getting a Temporary Rental Fence in Chicago for Your Construction Site

by | Aug 11, 2014 | Construction and Maintenance

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For your construction project to run smoothly, you need to stay safe and away from the public. Fencing your construction site is not only beneficial to you and your employees, but also to the public. However, buying a fence for the site might be expensive considering that it might not be needed after the construction is over. A company that deals in Rental Fence in Chicago rents temporary fences to those in need. Below are some of the reasons you need a temporary fence around your site and its benefits.


Securing your worksite using a fence ensures that nobody gets to any dangerous places. Your employees or visitors may wander off to risky areas of the site and might get hurt. By properly fencing hazardous areas, you will minimize accidents at the site.


A fence keeps outsiders from getting in. Not everyone has good intention for your construction site. If you have not fenced, thieves might come and steal your materials. In case there is a guard, the fence makes his work easier because it is harder for one to climb through a fence into the site than walking in.


You can hang notices around the fence to pass certain messages, especially to the public. For instance, you can inform them not to trespass as the site might be dangerous, you can also inform them the consequences of trespassing or stealing anything from the site.

Legal requirement

Some states building codes require fencing around construction sites. You should therefore inquire if the building codes in your locality require you to fence your construction site, as doing the contrary will get you to the wrong side of the law.

Renting a fence cuts costs

Building costs a lot and reducing the expenses should be a top priority. Buying a fence will cost you a lot considering you might not need it afterwards. The fences are available in different sizes and designs so you will choose one depending on your needs. In case you do not want dig-in fences, no-dig fences are available.

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