5 Ways Live Leads Can Improve Your Business

by | Aug 8, 2014 | Financial Services

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You’re a sales professional. You know that to increase your visibility and conversion rate, you need to target the potential customers who are poised and ready to bite. This is the modern age. No profitable business makes their sales team walk door to door, so why should you waste time pursuing leads that have no benefit to your company? Live leads can increase your sales – that’s a fact. Here are just a few reasons to purchase live leads.

1. You Already Have the Customer’s Attention

Your sales pitch is polished and fine-tuned. You have your elevator pitch set to launch. But here’s what’s different about live leads – you don’t have to inject giant wow factors into your speech. The customer is already interested. They’re listening and want to know exactly what you can offer them, so you can cut to the chase and close that deal faster.

2. They Are Matched to Your Product

It’s all too common to have leads misconstrued. You might think a customer is interested based on the referral, only to find out they are actually shopping for mortgage insurance, not an actual mortgage. With an order of live leads, you can narrow down your leads so that you’re not sacrificing precious time on potential customers who aren’t even in the market for your product. Your live leads are specific to your industry.

3. Cut Down on Wasted Search Time

The time you spend on the phone, email and chat drumming up business doesn’t return void. But wouldn’t you like to make even more sales? When you’re dialing non-existent phone numbers, leaving messages or crafting perfect emails that never get responses, you’re wasting time better spent contacting actual interested parties. Live leads need quick attention, and you can make a sale and put more money in your pocket.

4. Drive Sales Upward

Between matching the client to your product and streamlining your search time, live leads ultimately make your business better. When you are getting more calls and more sales, you’re expanding. It has a ripple effect. Combine live leads with a referral marketing scheme and you could see business profits double or triple within a few months.

5. Focus on Your Specialty

The final perk from using live leads to grow your company is that you are freed up to spend more time perfecting your product or your sales pitch for that product. When you have someone else providing high-quality potential customers, you and your sales team don’t have to figuratively “knock on doors” all day. Concentrate your sales team’s energy on effectively reeling in each potential client that they come into contact with. You have more time to give to top-notch customer service, and you can build a rapport with your client base. That is a valuable long-term investment in your business, and one that can be done even better when you have the time to devote to it.
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