5 Simple Ways to Get Cheaper Car Insurance in Honey Brook

by | Oct 9, 2014 | Insurance Service

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If you think you’re paying too much for your auto insurance in Honey Brook, you might be surprised how many ways there are to lower you premium. With a little research, you can usually cut your costs significantly. So how do you do it? Start investigating what type of discounts and rate reductions are available through your insurance company and whether or not you qualify for them. Your results will vary depending on what company you do business with, but here are some easy ways to get cheaper Car Insurance in Honey Brook.

Ask About Discounts

Thanks to intense competition in the industry, insurance companies are offering more discounts than ever before. If you’ve recently purchased a home or tied the knot, let your insurance agent know–you may be eligible for a 10-20% rate reduction. Other discounts are commonly available for military personnel, students with good grades, senior citizens and new parents.

Bundle Your Policies

You may be able to save around 10% on your Car Insurance in Honey Brook if you purchase your other insurance policies from your automobile insurance supplier. Bundling home and auto insurance is the most common scenario, but you can also reduce your rates by buying your renters or business insurance policies from the same company.

Improve Your Credit

Poor credit will increase your insurance rates substantially. To get more affordable Car Insurance in Honey Brook, make an effort to clean up your credit. Improving your FICA score by as little as 50 points can really improve your rates.

Take a Defensive Driving Course

Insurance companies offer reduced rates to customers they consider “low-risk”. Taking a defensive driving course is an easy, inexpensive way to lower you Car Insurance in Honey Brook by about 10%. These classes typically take place over a weekend and are offered by your local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Talk to your insurance agent to make sure they offer a discount before you sign up for the course.

Drive Less

If you drive less than 10,000 miles each year, you could be eligible for a low-mileage discount. Many drivers are able to qualify for the mileage restrictions by carpooling more often and consolidating their errands more efficiently.

There are more ways than ever to save money on your car insurance. For more ideas on how to cut costs, talk to your insurance agent.

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