5 CNC Machine Shop Safety Tips

by | Jan 9, 2017 | CNC Machine Shop

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With modern CNC machining services, a great deal of the hard work and repetitive tasks can be done by machinery. This makes it easier on the body and mind but there are still a lot of basic safety rules which cannot be forgotten. Here are some important things to remember, which everyone in the shop needs to be constantly aware of.

1. Clean as You Go

Cleaning up around machinery at the end of your shift is a good idea, but during the day, debris can build up and result in a lost time injury. If everyone gets into the habit of cleaning during the day, the shop will be a cleaner and safer place to work.

2. Double Check CNC Programs

CNC machining services can be more efficient and safer if you eliminate as much scrap as possible. This is why you should always double check programs before starting equipment and it is especially important right after making changes. For example, it doesn’t take much to ruin a precision component, so all settings should be gone over, just to be sure.

3. Don’t Bypass Any Safety Devices

Perhaps you are having problems with a machine guard. It may take some time to fix the problem but it is better than running machinery in an unsafe manner. Bypassing safety devices is a major cause of needless and preventable accidents.

4. Dry Run Every Program

Once you have checked and double checked the settings, take the machine through a dry run. This is a very simple operation and can save you a lot of headaches and distractions.

5. Don’t Lift Heavy Things by Yourself

The best cnc machining services always place worker safety over production. It may take a few minutes to ask someone for assistance, but when you lift oversized or overweight objects on your own, you greatly increase your chances for injury.

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