4 Reasons Why Annual Boiler Maintenance In Bremerton WA Is So Important

by | Sep 13, 2022 | Articles

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During the cold winter months, homeowners rely greatly on their boiler to keep the home warm. Because the boiler is such an essential appliance, annual boiler maintenance in Bremerton WA is essential. There are a few reasons why homeowners should be sure to schedule a yearly tuneup.

Spot Potential Problems

During an annual maintenance check, the technician can spot potential problems that can turn out to be significant issues. The cost of an annual maintenance check is much less expensive than a major boiler repair or a complete boiler replacement.

Improved Efficiency

During the annual maintenance check, the technician will make sure that the boiler is running as efficiently as possible. If it isn’t, the home won’t be as warm as the homeowner needs it to be. Also, efficiency issues cause the boiler to work harder than it should. This can increase the homeowner’s energy bills. The money that the homeowner can save on their energy costs will more than cover the cost of the maintenance service. Finally, inefficiency can cause the boiler to wear out much sooner than it should.

Safety Reasons

The best way for the homeowner to protect themselves and their family is to have the boiler maintained each year. If the technician detects any potential leaks or issues with the boiler’s installation, it can save the life of everyone in the home. These issues can cause a carbon monoxide leak. Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas, and it is odorless and colorless. If there is a leak in the home, it can be deadly to everyone inside. These deadly issues can be caught during an annual maintenance check.

Keep the Warranty Up To Date

If the homeowner has an existing warranty on their boiler, they would need to have it maintained every year by a licensed professional to keep the warranty valid. If something were to happen and the boiler needs to be replaced, the company will request the maintenance records before covering the cost of a new boiler. If the homeowner cannot provide these records, they would need to replace the boiler themselves, which can be very costly.

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