3 Signs that You Need Cooler Service in Minneapolis MN for Your Restaurant

by | Apr 14, 2015 | Heating and Air Conditioning

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When you work in or own a restaurant, the cooler plays a huge role in the running or the business and making sure that the foods stay contamination free and kept at the right temperatures in order for them to be cooked and served. If the cooler is not running the way it should, the foods within are not at the right temperatures and after a time, these foods are not supposed to be served according to health codes. Listed here are three signs that you need cooler service for your restaurant.

Door will not close

If you are unable to close the door to the cooler or it does not line up correctly, you will want to call for Cooler Service in Minneapolis MN as soon as possible. The door could be off the hinge or it could have dropped on the hinge, meaning that it no longer lines up; this could also mean that the sealing parts are no longer working in the ways that it should. Either way, a professional maintenance service can identify what the issue is and make sure that it is fixed so that business can return to normal.

Cooler runs constantly

A cooler the runs constantly is not running up to code or performing its job in the way that it should. This means that the cooling levels are not where they should be, or they are unable to maintain a consistent temperature without running. With Cooler Service in Minneapolis MN, the cooler can be checked for cracks, faulty wiring, and other issues that may be causing this lack of efficiency in the cooler.

Suffers from frequent breakdowns

When your restaurant’s cooler is consistently breaking down or not performing efficiently, there are going to be some internal issues that need to be checked and fixed. With Twin City Mechanical Minneapolis MN, you can have the best available service performed on your cooler. These professionals can diagnose the issue and determine if it can be fixed or if it needs to be replaced.

Whatever the issue you are experiencing with the cooler, you will want to employ services to get it back to normal. The sooner you get the help, the better for your business. If you have issues with any other equipment, contact services for those as well.

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