3 Reasons to Purchase Business Insurance for Your Small Business

by | Nov 26, 2014 | Insurance Service

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Insurance can seem like an extra expense that you are tempted to waive altogether when starting a new business. While this may seem like an enticing option, having business insurance can mean big benefits to your business. Here are some questions to ask yourself if you are still on the fence about Business Insurance.

Is it mandatory?
Business Insurance is mandatory in six states. The first thing you will want to discern is whether or not you are located in one of these six states. Failing to purchase insurance if you are located in these states can mean big fines and a short period wherein you will have to race to find a suitable policy to buy last minute. Make sure that you know what you want beforehand- this way, you will be able to pick and choose the policy that best suits your business. Of course, you should have this insurance even if it is not mandatory.

What are my Risk Factors?
Risk factors for a business are quite similar to the homeowners insurance you most likely already have. The spectrum of policies available can cover everything from natural disasters to malpractice. In the case of a natural disaster, your business may be physically harmed, and a new competitor may move in while you rebuild and have the potential to take your client base.

What are the Benefits?
A large majority of the benefits that any insurance policy is going to offer is going to come into play in the instance of a disaster or malpractice. For example, if you or one of your employees is harmed while working, your insurance my cover the cost of a salary for continued pay while the injured employee is recovering. Additional policies can cover more, such as supplies and the cost of additional help.

Purchasing insurance for your business should be a number one priority, no matter the type of business. It is there to help you and assure the continued progression of your business. If you have any questions or would like to purchase a policy today, contact your local insurance office. As with many types of insurance, if you have to use your policy just once, it will more than pay for itself. Get more info Here!

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